I was meant to come
back from India when I did. I’d tried to change my ticket for two weeks later
but Singapore Air couldn’t find me a seat and so I was resigned to returning to
the same old same old Sydney when I didn’t really want to. But it was
fortuitous as I then got to experience one of the greatest moments of my life,
and I’ve had many.
A Gay lobby had
convinced our New South Wales parliament, after 38 years of pleading, cajoling
and head-banging, to issue an apology to the gays, lesbians, trannies and
queers, for bashing and arresting us in 1978 when we had our first big
liberation march. About 300 of us marched up Oxford Street demanding, “Stop the
police attacks on gays, women and blacks!” and “Come out of the bars and onto
the streets!” and we were joined by another few hundred fellow travelers
rushing out of the pubs, half of them heterosexual friends and supporters.
After stomping up
the Golden Mile, at Taylor Square, outside the convict era police station and jail-house, (where they used to hang poor sods), we were met by a phalanx of
police brutes who did a flying wedge into us, bashing, kicking, hair-pulling,
arresting and dragging many off into the pig-pen where they continued to flog
the hapless protesters.

I wandered off home
thinking it was all over, not realizing the march had then continued up
Darlinghurst Road to Kings Cross where another riot ensued, the police had attacked
again and made further arrests, for they really hate fags and dykes. Instead I was
back in my squat, collapsed on my manky couch, blowing a joint and trying to
calm down, my ears ringing, my head aching.
We finally got our
decriminalization in 1984, the Catholic Church being the most zealous in the
attempt to stop it happening. Police harassment continued of course. In my own
frame-up by the pigs in 1993 they snarled at me, “You’re a liar, a thief and a
poofter and we hate all three!”
I’ve gone on ad
nausea about the trammels of being gay in the 20th Century so I
won’t bore you with a reiteration of the horrors. Here we are in 2016 and
things have improved for gays, at least in our part of the world, hopefully the
young do not feel the degree of alienation and cruelty we experienced back
then. Thus I marched into the State Parliament House on February 25, biting my
tongue somewhat as it was the abode of “the people’s democratic fuck-over”, to
enter the sacred inner sanctum and sit in the public gallery at long last to
hear an apology for the State’s mistreatment of me and my kind.
I thought just one
pollie would make a speech and then it would be over, we could rush the free
feed and guzzle the free booze. But every damned one of Ali Baba and his forty
thieves, (i.e. the Premier and cabal), wanted to grab some limelight, as if an
election was due and they were on a soap-box. We got heartfelt apologies a
hundred-fold, it smacked of “the lady doth protest too much”, especially from
the conservative ruling Liberal Party members, each of whom left the chamber
quickly after delivering their crocodile tears till their side of the room was
empty. Only the leftist Labor Party and the Greens stayed throughout the
interminable speeches, showing some respect, compassion and good manners.
The Labor, Greens and Independents on One Side, the Right-wingers Disappeared on the Other. |
What surprised me
was the intensity of the empathy shown, especially by Labor and the Greens;
that they understood the torture we oldies had gone through: unemployment,
homelessness, family estrangement, insults, bashing, murder, a loveless life. I
nearly cried as I remembered the long road of pain that had brought me here and
finally I found that some in the Heterosexual world “GOT IT”; for many of us
old gays it had been a terrible life that they wouldn’t wish on a dog and they certainly
hoped it was not something their own children would have to go through.
In the middle of proceedings I, as usual, had to have a bitch-fight with one of my “community”. The fuckwit sitting directly behind me started texting right in the middle of a particularly affecting story from a young M.P. telling us of the brutality of the boys towards anything poofy when he was at school. The beep beep beeping went on relentlessly, this fag didn’t give a shit that he was disturbing the rest of us, it could be heard right throughout the chamber, everyone was turning their heads wondering where the annoying noise was coming from. Beep beep beep ba beep beep beep!
As it was right in my ear, I could stand it no longer and had to turn to this skin-head prick who looked like he lived under a sun-lamp, and said, “Can you stop doing that?” My voice rang loud and clear for all in the chamber to hear, and his shrieked reply was just as loud. “No, I can’t! I’ve got to do it!” I wanted to suggest he put his key-pad on silent but figured I’d said enough. The beeps continued but gradually died away, he knew he was an inconsiderate arsehole. All us gays are not cut from the same cloth, we do not come off a conveyor belt in some factory at the back of the gay ghetto, and I don’t get on well with 50% of them.
The motion for the State’s apology was tabled by a conservative gay Lib from the beach-side suburb of Coogee, he was the coolest of the bunch and he made a rousing speech of what it was like to grow up gay, and in 2016 there were now 2 gay MPs and thus THE HOUSE was getting more gay as time wore on. Oh happy days are here again!
We in the gallery cheered, catcalled, even groaned but mostly we were pleased that we’d gotten some consideration. The Libs probably only came to the table because the GLBTQ Mardi Gras parade brings in millions of tourist dollars to the State and THEY love money beyond all else.
The Police Dept, of
course, have refused to apologize, they can get away with murder, they even get
medals for it; (2 weeks later they got their arms twisted and they did apologize; the beauty of the whole event for me was that these reactionaries had to do something they must have ground their teeth over.)
The different religious faiths have also been called upon to apologize, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Protestants, for all the torture, maligning and obstacles they’ve thrown in the path of gay freedom, especially the brainwash they still instill in children. But the medieval mindset of religion will be the last bastion of repression and bigotry to fall, even a nuclear war wouldn’t make them cave in, in fact they’ll probably start it.
The different religious faiths have also been called upon to apologize, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Protestants, for all the torture, maligning and obstacles they’ve thrown in the path of gay freedom, especially the brainwash they still instill in children. But the medieval mindset of religion will be the last bastion of repression and bigotry to fall, even a nuclear war wouldn’t make them cave in, in fact they’ll probably start it.
For the first time
in 37 years, after having participated every way possible in the Gay Mardi Gras
parade, (I even had my own float once), I will be in the contingent of ‘78ers leading the whole shebang and it
will be a blast, the crowd screaming, my smile bursting, a fountain erupting
from my head in sheer liberating ecstasy. I’m not so proud to be gay, it seems
a silly emotion to me, I am what I am, but I will be a happy gay, not so miserable,
at least for a night.
If you enjoyed this story please go to the WEB
address above and consider buying my book of tales about growing up
anarcho-queer, rock and roll punter and mystic adventurer in Australia and India
of the 1950s, ‘60s and ‘70s.