His mother nearly murdered by a drunken dad, he was battered as a child till he turned out bad, and refusing to be herded this sissy boy ran wild, his grandma had to save him as a broken orphan child.
At school he was bashed daily as a despised queer, and seen as less than zero made him live his life in fear, his youth was spent a monster in a human zoo, he dreamed of movie heroes who would save him too. In the crowded schoolyard all the kids yelled "Poof!" Yet a friend would whisper quiet, "Only love is truth."
Hoping to find comfort from strange men in the dark, gay teens in the '60s got raped as well as fucked. Then a cult they called "The Family" gave him LSD, to convert him back to "normal" and insanity. Instead they broke the prison of his brainwashed mind, he renounced god, the devil of the human kind.
Crazy and enlightened, on the road for 7 years, surviving all the dangers in the valley of dark fears. Many comrades joined him as they fought their Overlords, a community of lovers underground and never bored.
Arrested for resistance as he dared to disobey, antifa peace activist and art communiquè. Junkies looting in the squats with skinheads in the night, the true heart never stops or rots from friendly vampire's bite. Yet always there were some who cared, they made the terror fun to bear.
They shared and sang and rocked and laughed, they pissed and cursed and mocked and barfed. Plagiarists like harpies' fruit, gay mafias slammed hard the doors, toxic dicks put in the boot knowing bad that's gone before. No matter all the cruelty, pricks hoped that he would fail, others showed real sympathy believing his sad tales.
Corrupt Pigs with their frame ups, the jealous with their scorn, naive he gave the game up, his soul betrayed and worn. His lovely friends made it all worthwhile, they backed his art and quirky style. He never did it all alone, he did collaborate, a gang of bandits all as one, helped him home to great create.
While apemen tried to mount and fuck him others played cat and mouse games, poseurs tried to sneak one up him and trash the punk outsider's name. But they'd never take the life he'd led of fun and love, kind souls he'd met. The adventure and the ecstacy was his even in poverty.
So farewell all you cannibals this man has gone so far away, my friends, my humane animals, no return is what I pray. I thank you for your sweet regard, you made my journey not so hard. I need a break, a brief escape from wars, and facts of fascist rape.
To wander through exotic dreams, to forget our pollies traitor schemes, I have to take my freedom's chance, next year I may be banned from dance. I disappear into the mist, dust to dust and sunset's kiss. I assure you life was fucking grand, jumping to a rock'n'roll band.